What is light?

Light is electromagnetic radiation within a certain portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. The word usually refers to visible light, which is the portion of the spectrum that can be perceived by the human eye.

How do our eyes perceive colours?

Due to refraction. White light is broken up and divided into its components. The greater the difference between the refractive indexes of the adjacent materials, the stronger the refraction. The light is either completely reflected or pass through unchanged depending on the angle which the light hits the boundary layers.

I Absorption pigments represent “true” colours just like watercolour paints. They absorb part of the light that hits them and scatter the rest which gives them their own body colour.

II Metallic pigments reflect almost all the light which gives them great surface luster and gives a “dazzling” effect.

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III Effect (pearl) pigments.

A key feature of the classic pearl effect pigment is the difference in color between the share of the incoming light which is reflected by the pigment and the share of light completely passing through. The color of the transmitted light is complementary to the color of the reflected light. For example, a red reflection color goes with a green transmission color, while yellow and blue form another pair of reflected and transmitted light.