Click on the palette tab to see saved colors
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You can save color on the mixer tab
How to blend colors?
If you have a limited number of colors – don’t worry. Even with the 3 basic colors you can get almost all the rest.
Our online color mixer will help you! The mixer will be useful if you want to match colors for soap making, cooking, walls painting, learning, and other applications.
By clicking on the colored circles, you are virtually add to the mix one drop/part of dye. You can click “minus” to reduce the number of drops.
To obtain the required color proportions, you can add 2, 3 or more drops of one kind of paint. Mixing ratio is displayed as a percentage. Water also can be added to the mix. One part of water = 100 ml.
Also, you can place unlimited colors on the palette.
On the top you can see 2 tabs: mixer and palette. Just click palette to see all saved colors.
- Click Reset for refresh current mix (not palette).
- Click anywhere on mixed area to save current color.
- Click “” to see the consist of saved color.
- Click remove in palette tab to remove saved color.
Also you can pick any color on the color wheel above. We’ll try to select the most suitable formula and show you more information about this color.
New! Now you can Create Account and Save your palettes and custom mixers.