
Are Oil Blotting Papers Effective? Dermatologist Explains
Are Oil Blotting Papers Effective? Dermatologist ExplainsTo blot or not to blot? It can be tempting to rely on oil blotting papers to remove excess oil on the face, especially in a humid, tropical climate like Singapore. In this episode,…

Skincare: Best Natural
Facial Cleanser
Arnica Montana, a natural plant extract, has anti-inflammation, antibacterial, antifungal and anti-ageing properties. In this ingredient spotlight series, we will go through the benefits of ingredients you can find in your skincare formulations…
Skincare: Best Natural
Facial Cleanser

Benefits of Grape
Seed Extract for Skin
Long before grape growers started putting labels on bottles, the ancient civilizations of the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans were growing grapes. In history, people have been using different parts of the grapevine for medicinal and cosmeceutical…
Seed Extract for Skin

Dermatologist Tips: Skincare Myths – Pores
In this article, I shall expound on the science and treatment methods of enlarged pores - a common problem for individuals with oily skin.What are pores and what causes them? Pores are caused by firstly the appearance of blackheads…