Entries by Low Li Xuan


LYOSILK™ WARDROBE We offer customized wardrobe creations in our dream fabric- LyoSilk™, which is a dermatologist recommended fabric for sensitive skin, and the best fabric for eczema. It is fully breathable, laboratory-tested to be anti-microbial and actively cools the body temperature due to its sweat-wicking properties. It is machine washable and the fabric gets softer […]


SURGICAL STEEL What is Surgical Steel? 100% medically biocompatible, implant grade steel that has zero risk of sensitisation. Why Surgical Steel? Many are familiar with the hypoallergenic surgical steel studs used during our ear/body piercing. The reason why these are used is because the exposure to nickel in normal steel or brass jewelry tends to […]

Dermatologist Tips: Facial Masks

Facial masks are known as a staple to women’s skincare. They offer results that improve the overall appearance of your skin and also serve therapeutic effects. Despite being familiar with facial masks, the majority of the consumers are often clueless when it comes to facial mask basics. In this article, I will answer some FAQs […]

Botanical Seed Oil
Cream Blush

An Anti-Acne, Anti-Sebum Hemp Oil Cream Blush “The cheek area is a common site for acne, and a blush infused with an active skincare ingredient effectively bridges the skincare-makeup concept, enhancing benefits of all topicals applied to the skin,” dermatologist Dr. Teo Wan Lin What is Hemp Seed Oil? Hemp seed oil is a hemp […]

The Use Of Cosmeceuticals vs Hydroquinone For Treating Hyperpigmentation

In this series of articles, I shall expound on the science and chemical aspects of skin lightening agents, both prescription and over-the-counter alternatives. In the first installment, we shall cover the commonest prescription medications used for skin lightening – hydroquinone, and its derivatives. What Are Cosmeceuticals? Cosmeceuticals are topicals that have both cosmetic and pharmaceutical […]